Association Canadienne de la Gestion de Créances Inc.

    • 26 May 2025
    • 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    • Deer Creek Golf Club, 2700 Audley Rd Ajax, ON L1Z 1T7

    Come join us for our pre-summer gathering and golf tournament now at Deer Creek Golf Club in Ajax.  Get an update from the Government Affairs Committee, vote on or acclaim our new board members, and learn all the great things that the RMA is doing for you during our Annual General Membership Meeting.


    • Golf Registration Opens & Member Voting 10:00 – 10:45am
    • Annual General Meeting Starts at 10:45 – 11:30am
    • Golf starts at 12pm
    • Dinner Starts at 5pm

      All are welcome to attend the general meeting.

      If you're a golfer, please register your individual golfers or foursomes for a shotgun start.

      As this is a large networking event, we are looking for sponsors for golf holes and special features, and we are looking for prizes to give away to tournament winners. Please email Tony Pampena at with any questions.

      Sponsorship Opportunities

       Type of Sponsorship  Level  Sponsorship Cost
       Title and Diner
       Diamond  $3000
       Bar Station
       Platinum  $2000
       Bar Station  Platinum   $2000
       Bar Station  Platinum  $2000
       Concession Food Truck
       Platinum  $2000
       Concession Food Truck  Platinum  $2000
       10K Hole in One Contest
       Gold  $1000
       Cigar Station
       Gold  $1000
       Ice Cream Truck
       Gold  $1000
       Annual General Meeting Light Breakfast 
       Men's Longest Drive
       Silver  $750
       Men's Closest to Pin
       Silver  $750
       Ladies Longest Drive
       Silver  $750
       Ladies Closest to Pin
       Silver  $750
       Putting Contest
       Silver  $750
       Snack Station  Silver  $750
       Espresso Bar
       Silver  $750
       Beat the Pro
       Silver  $750
       Doughnut Station
       Silver  $750
       Energy Station
       Silver  $750
       Snack Station
       Silver  $750
       Photo Station
       Silver  $750

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